Access by all users of our network is safeguarded from inappropriate content and matter as defined in the Child Internet Protection Act (CIPA).
Our policies are further outlined in the Responsible Use Policy as well as the School Handbook. Please note that we monitor student accounts....if on a home computer and the student does not log out of their account, any subsequent users may also be monitored via that student's account.
Training and discussion of these policies and measures are provided each year to the school family (parents and students) at a public meeting at the beginning of the year. These are also available for download on this web page. We also provide periodic training to students and parents on the dangers of the internet and certain smart phone apps, including presentations by the Boone County Sheriff's School Resource Officer.
Although we continue to change our protection measures, our students are very bright and computer literate--and they will find ways to circumvent the measures. We highly recommend parents enroll in the BARK software program so that all of the student's personal accounts will be monitored.
We report and cooperate with the Boone County
Sheriff's Office in the investigation of cyber crimes to
include cyber-bullying, sexting, etc.